Tiny Feet are an exceptionally dynamic duo based in North West Victoria. Comprised of Australian musicians Ben Bamborough (guitar) and Stephanie Rogers (vocals), the duo is up-beat, captivating, soulful, experienced and will entertain you with catchy and quirky melodies.
Ben & Stephanie met during their studies, both completing a Bachelor of Contemporary Music at the renowned Southern Cross University Lismore Australia. Tiny Feet have a wealth of experience in the music industry performing, recording and teaching over the last 10 years in many different formats.
The duo have graced stages all over the east coast of Australia, the UK and Europe and have been a part of some exciting events such as; Edinburgh Fringe Festival (UK), Woodford Folk Festival, Top Class, Wotnext Competition,
Telstra Road to Discovery, Cullulleraine Music Festival, Byron Buskers Competition and Memmingen Folk Festival (Germany) just to name a few.