Enda Kenny is an Irish-born songwriter who has made his home in Australia since the late 1980’s. His thoughtful, descriptive stories of his adopted homeland have struck a chord with festival audiences here and beyond. His songs are always memorable and spiced with plenty of humour. Rock and Reel describes him as a cracking live entertainer.
Now residing near Mount Beauty in the Victorian Alps, Enda is touring extensively throughout Australia in 2023 as well as New Zealand, UK, Ireland and Germany. The year has started well, Enda was awarded Artist of The Year 2023 at Newstead Live Music Festival in January.
“On small stages to intimate audiences or large stages to festival audiences he always holds the crowd in the palm of his hand. Witty and intelligent songwriting and a brilliant night’s
Eleanor McEvoy
After a decade of juggling performance with a career in Public Housing, Enda returned to full-time music with the release of Kitchen Ballads in 2019. After the interval (COVID) he is happily back on the road and taking forward bookings for 2023 and onward.
“The finest Irish songwriter living overseas”
Colum Sands